Consecrated Sunday 27 November 1904
The Consecration of the Dr Herzl Lodge was held at the Empress Victoria Hotel, Marshall Street, Johannesburg
The 70th Anniversary of the Dr Herzl Lodge was held at the Carlton Hotel in 1974.
The 75th Anniversary of the Dr Herzl Lodge was held on the 26th May 1979. Justice Felix Landau, a past President of the Dr Herzl Lodge, was the Guest of Honour. He undertook an extensive tour of Lodges of the Order in order to stimulate interest in the Hebrew Order of David.
The Anniversary Banquet took place at the HOD Centre, where 300 brethren and their wives were present. Thirty special guests representing major organisations were present. Justice Landau delivered the main address.
First Honorary Member of Dr Herzl Lodge
Dr Hyam Goodman, a well-known medical practitioner, became the first Honorary member of the Dr Herzl Lodge.
Naming of the Dr Herzl Lodge
The Dr Herzl Lodge was named in honour of Theodor Herzl was an Austro-Hungarian journalist, playwright, political activist, and writer who was the father of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine to form a Jewish state. Though he died before its establishment, he is known as the father of the State of Israel.
While Herzl is specifically mentioned in the Israeli Declaration of Independence and is officially referred to as "the spiritual father of the Jewish State" i.e. the visionary who gave a concrete, practicable platform and framework to political Zionism, he was not the first Zionist theoretician or activist; scholars, many of them religious such as Rabbis Yehuda Bibas, Zvi Hirsch Kalischer and Judah Alkalai, promoted a range of proto-Zionist ideas before him.
Bro S N Bernstein

Wor Bro Ian Steven Ralph
Bro Jeff Sulski
Wor Bro Norman Louis Liebowitz
Wor Bro John Abrio Sonnabend
Wor Bro David Jacob Levin
Wor Bro Isaac Elkaim
Bro Brian Musnitzky
Wor Bro Edward Schnaid
Wor Bro Gerald Cohen
Wor Bro Julian M Joffe
Wor Bro Michael Piha
Wor Bro Harry Shiebert
Wor Bro Bernard Benzion Joffe
Wor Bro Lesley Kobrin
Wor Bro Harry Witt
Wor Bro Rolf Jacob Neuhaus
Wor Bro Henry Wald
Wor Bro Abe Flax
Wor Bro Benzion Dove
Wor Bro Harris (Harry) Aarons
Wor Bro Myer (Mike) Levy
Wor Bro Jack Rogaly
Wor Bro Isaac Emmanuel Lubinsky
Wor Bro Samuel (Sam) H Jacobsohn
Wor Bro Harry Friedgut
Wor Bro Moses (Monty) H Mann
Wor Bro I N Aronowitz
Wor Bro R Sacks
Wor Bro Julius L Fisher
Wor Bro Percy Rappaport
Wor Bro Chaim Joffe
Wor Bro Harry Goss
Wor Bro David J (Tommy) Etkind
Wor Bro Felix Landau
Wor Bro Joseph Nathan
Wor Bro Michael H Kam
Bro K Lakofski
Bro E (Zuk) Melamed
Wor Bro Peter Cramer
Bro B Wainstein
Wor Bro M Abrams
Wor Bro I J Balkind
Wor Bro Solomon (Solly) Jossel
Wor Bro I Soskolne
Bro A Goldberg
Wor Bro Solomon Solarsh
Bro Arthur Ernest Weinstock
Wor Bro S Nathan Davis
Wor Bro S Friendly
Wor Bro Avron Jonathan Krasner
Wor Bro Ronald Percy Penn
Wor Bro A Gabbholz
Wor Bro K Achber
Bro J G Hart
Wor Bro S J Weinberg