Consecrated 22 November 1931
Rededicated 1947
The Louis Isaacson Lodge was named after a prominent member of the community and was Consecrated on 22 November 1931. The Lodge began as a Benefit Society. Members paid a weekly contribution according to their age and means, which entitled them to medical assistance, sick and Shiva pay. On the death of a member the wife received a lump sum and the Lodge contributed to erection of a tombstone.
During the Second World War many members enlisted and the Lodge went into recessuntil 1947 when was rededicated.
Kimberley is the capital and largest city of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. It is located approximately 110 km east of the confluence of the Vaal and Orange Rivers. The city has considerable historical significance due to its diamond mining past and the siege during the Second Boer War. British businessmen Cecil Rhodes and Barney Barnato made their fortunes in Kimberley, and Rhodes established the De Beers diamond company in the early days of the mining town. Read more .....
Jews in Kimberley
Kimberley, city in the Western Province of the Cape Province, South Africa, center of the South African diamond industry. Jews flocked to Kimberley on the discovery of diamonds there in 1870, and as early as 1871 a congregation, named the Griqualand West Hebrew Congregation, was formed, and the first synagogue was built in 1876. Among the early settlers were Barney *Barnato, his brother Harry, and his cousin David (later Sir David) *Harris. The first temporary minister was the Rev. Joel *Rabinowitz who returned to South Africa from England after his retirement. The first permanent minister was Meyer Mendelsohn. Until the founding of Johannesburg in 1886, Kimberley was home to the second largest Jewish community in South Africa, numbering over 2,000 souls at its peak. No fewer than five Jews have served as mayors of Kimberley: William Sagar (1906–08), Ernest (later Sir Ernest) Oppenheimer (1913–15), Bernard Cohen (1931–32), Gustave Haberfeld (1953–55, 1966–67), Lionel Jawno (1959–61), and C. Sussman (1964–65). Sir David Harris, who also commanded the Kimberley Town Guard during the famous Boer siege of the town in the Anglo-Boer War, was MP for Kimberley and Griqualand West from 1897–1929. The discovery of gold on the Rand drew many Jews from Kimberley to Johannesburg. By 1970, the Jewish population of Kimberley had dropped to about 600 and by 2005, fewer than 50 Jews remained. Read more .....

Wor Bro Saul Alexander Strano
Bro M Frank
Bro C M Cohen
Bro H Seidle
Bro Herman Lewis Shein
Bro J Brenner
Bro J Sperber
Bro L Levinsohn
Bro Norman Datnow
Bro Jack Sussman
Bro Ivan Sam Waldman
Bro Arnold Raymond Rauff
Bro Casper B Klevansky
Wor Bro D Capon
Bro Julius Katz
Bro Robert Peter Benn
Bro E Gershowitz
Bro Leonard (Webby) Cohen
Bro I Jacobson
Wor Bro F Hecht
Wor Bro Gus B Haberfeld
Wor Bro M Konvisser, Rev
Bro H Frank