Amalgamation and Consecration 1987
In 1987 it was decide to amalgamate Lodges Hillel and Menorah and the name Lodge Hillel-Menorah was chosen. A new era started with Wor Bro Aron Katz as President and Bro Julius Wisnevitz as Vice-President.
Nostalgically the outgoing President of Lodges Menorah and Hillel handed back the Charters of their Lodges to the Grand President.
Over the years numerous brethren were awarded the Third Degree and Wor Bro Aron Katz and Wor Bro Billy Kraitzick had the honour to receive the Order of Merit.
During these years the Lodge progressed with many projects.
- The Golf Classic is still held every year,
- The Seniors are entertained every every month and
- Regular Sick visiting is undertaken.
Numerous presentations have been made to brethren for special occasions. In September 1989 Chief Rabbi Bro Cyril Harris paid a visit to Port Elizabeth. A few brethren accompanied him to Graaff Reinet to unveil a plague to the Jewish smouses of early years.
Various organisations, both Jewish and non-Jewish, benefit from donations made by the Lodge. In 1991 the Lodge began helping a school for the hearing impaired. In the first year books were donated and in subsequent years the Lodge helped them with their annual Christmas Party.
Lodge Hillel-Menorah is known as the "friendly Lodge" and the number of visitors that attended the annual installation is proof of their hospitality. At the installation in 1993, seventeen brethren and their wives from Cape Town, were present and a total of twenty five past presidents participated.

Wor Bro Doron Ruvain Blackman
Wor Bro Michael Phillip Bortz
Bro Allan Salkow
Bro Gustav Bruns
Bro Jonathan Gruss
Wor Bro Jonathan Charles Rubin
Bro Archie Sandler
Wor Bro Graham Morrison Melamed
Wor Bro Aaron Zalman Katz
Wor Bro Julius Wisnevitz
Wor Bro Willie (Billy) Wolf Kraitzick
Wor Bro Colin Robert Jankelowitz