Consecrated in Atlanta on Sunday 30 May 1999.
The first Lodge to be Consecrated in the United States of America. The first President was Bro Les Kraitzick (later elevated to Wor Bro).
Sandy Springs
The Lodge is based in
Sandy Springs in Atlanta.
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Jews in Sandy Springs
Since 2005, Sandy Springs has evolved into an attractive community for people of all ages. Read more....
Wor Bro Josh Barzilay, Dr
Bro Charles Goldberg
Wor Bro Alan Smirin
Wor Bro Barry Simon
Wor Bro Stanley M Lefco
Wor Bro Anthony Naturman
Wor Bro David Lurie
Bro Jonathan Woolfson
Bro Jeff Kalwerisky
Wor Bro Douglas Stein
Wor Bro Leon Pomerance
Wor Bro Howard Solomon
Wor Bro Eric Bern
Wor Bro Aubrey Wolf
Bro Ivan Berzack
Wor Bro Mario Oves
Wor Bro Les Kraitzick
Wor Bro David Joss
Wor Bro Alan Rubenstein